Hp Tetris

A tetris clone for the HP Prime graphing calculator


This is a tetris clone made for the HP Prime graphing calculator written in its HP BASIC programming language. I made it by making a bunch of improvements to Kevin Barbier's "BRICKS" game (you can see the changes in the changelog).

HP Tetris game

Getting the Game

The easiest way to get the program onto an HP Prime is to install the HP Prime Connectivity Kit (http://www.hp-prime.de/en/category/15-software) on your computer and to connect your computer and HP Prime with the charging cable. Then you can make a new file (call it "BLOCKS") and copy the program over. To run the game, use Shift + 1 to get to the programs menu and just run the "BLOCKS" program.

Get the code here: https://github.com/rmboyce/hp-tetris

